First of all, THERE IS NO RECALL!
There is no problem at all, actually.
Unfortunately, there is an immense pool of unqualified misinformation that is present on the internet. Supposedly some of our GS bushing kits are defective in design. We found that many customers were inquiring on this issue, even when they had no problems at all, sparking an investigation. To assist those who may have questions on how bushing design works, please read on.
Original bushings on some particular locations on the GS chassis will wear due to their repeated cycling from articulation, the effects on material over time, and environmental degradation. This is inevitable due to the design of the part. Our replacements for these bushings are the only upgrade bushings on the market that still actually allow suspension articulation. Other designs do not allow any articulation at all, and will actually destroy themselves via unintended compression over time. These unarticulated designs also significantly alter the vehicle’s spring rate and suspension movement. This is immediately visible to any degreed and PE licensed mechanical or design engineer, but to the average person it may not be readily apparent.
Our regularly monitored fleet of long term test vehicles with these bushings have had them installed for close to fifteen years now, and none have had any bushings "collapse". These long term test vehicles do not have extreme suspension modifications that excessively alter their height, as seems to be the current "VIP" trend in the marketplace. Any height alteration beyond approximately 50-60mm creates unintended stress on ALL suspension components. Faulty installation by personnel who are unfamiliar with the specific methodologies of polyurethane bushing installation is also a common cause of problems or component failure. These situations are the most common causes of issues with the use of our product.
The same bushing design that is supposedly "collapsing" in the GS applications is also in use in many, many other identical bushing setups by our sister corporate brand on some European vehicle applications, and has never had any "collapsing" issues. Another sister brand that caters to Toyota applications has never had any such issues and also uses an identical design. Thousands upon thousands of these have been installed with no issues.
Sadly, the spread of misinfomation in the marketplace is rampant and is very unfortunate to those who seek to factually educate themselves.